A girl without education is like a bird without wings. Support AAzadpankh and give wings to their dreams. I am trying to raise awareness about the importance of education in my hometown.
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A girl without education is like a bird without wings. Support AAzadpankh and give wings to their dreams. I am trying to raise awareness about the importance of education in my hometown.
Since two years, Several girls are being provided with the basic resources of education in bareilly. We are building centers in Uttar -Pradesh for underprivileged girls. We also provide sewing and defense classes on the weekends, which help them regain their confidence and resilience. We have started giving typing and dance class also.
The main aim of this initiate is to make these girls self sufficient, end practices like child marriage and child labor. This programme aims at transforming the perception of the people from the rural areas about girl education and their rights. Education is the only medium by which we can provide equality to the girls of this country and make them rely on their own sword. Together we can empower them and make this society a better place to live in.
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